Clan Level 8, maybe this is late but still congratulation! especially to all who contribute into our clan.
On the other hand, this is just to inform you guys that we are planning to do clan clean up again. I will do some listing of all inactive members in clan. Please tell us if you are on vacation or something please let us know. Please post in here or in our Facebook Secret Group ( not a secret anymore :P )
We are also aware that there are some slow moving characters, they will be also candidate on inactive members. Please let us know what is the reason of your slow leveling. If you really want to be in clan and you want to be loyal with it just let us know you will be safe. Safe level for our clan right now will be level 70+
TeamSpeak 3, all members must be online in TS3. This tool can help our members to communicate faster rather than typing the message you want. All members must practice using this TS3, with this you can achieve different level of playing online games. Our TS3 Channel got unlimited slot, multiple sub-channels to access and 24/7 online. We require all members to speak in English on our channel and sub channels. Here is the sample picture:
It is also important in our clan to recognize each others voice, so when it comes to PvP, Raid or Siege we can act immediately accordingly to each others request. Guide for you to have TS3 and access on our Channel is posted on our clan forum: